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for grades 2-8

We are excited to offer year-round theater experiences for our younger actors!​

Our Jr Season will rehearse on Sunday afternoons, from 1p-5p on the campus of

Cedarwood School, 601 Heavens Dr, in Mandeville.

Each show will culminate with performances on the Fuhrmann Auditorium stage at the Greater Covington Center, a beautiful venue that includes a large stage and seating for 400! 

Show fee include a t-shirt.



When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys' expense, the newsies rally from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what's right.

Based on the hit Disney film and musical.

Rehaersals are every Sunday from 1p-5p at

Cedarwood School in Mandeville, beginning Sunday, February 23.

All performances will take place at the Fuhrmann Auditorium in Covington

Shows are April 11-12, 2025

Show fee is $420 and includes a show t-shirt

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